
Some notes.

Text vs. TV/Film:
  • Media matters
  • Media study/research and the phenomena themselves are highly complicated.
  • How to define media? It is hard to define. Be aware of that there are high possibilities that the study ends up like apple vs orange comparison instead of apple to apple.
  • What is the goal of the approaches?
  • Hold the thoughts of Text is more linear and TV/Film is more non-linear. Since there is a variable that you have to count: the learner/reader/viewer's competence on different media skills. But is that a media difference or individual difference?
  • Media literacy/fluency
  • Potential intendency: Text -- factual info; Video -- conceptual info
  • Another thought, video may be better for delayed recall.
  • False comments: Kid's not learning from text, adult's not learning from video.
  • Variables are affected by current Tech. related culture: researchers' attitude, students change in video fluency vs. the literacy fluency of their counterpart decades ago (such as their parents.)
